Update to Google by Number

My blogging’s dropped off quite a bit since starting a new job three weeks ago—like I was all that good about staying current before—so I figured I’d jump back in this weekend with an update to my Google by Number post now that some time has gone by to see where there’s been any movement.
mozilla.org - No change. [Google “1”]
Shrek 2 - No change. [Google “2”]
3 - 3, a 3G wireless carrier in the UK from what I can gather, has moved up to knock 3Com out of its spot at the top. An interesting question is whether or not Google gives 3 extra juice by understanding the “three” in its URL to match the “3” in the search. [Google “3”]
Channel 4 - No change. [Google “4”]
Internet Explorer - Microsoft has edged out Macromedia this time around. Presumably it ranks in this search for similar reasons that Macromedia would have: upgrade links pointing to the page referring to IE 5.x. Of course, you could just get a real browser. [Google “5”]
Internet Explorer - Browser Wars, Part Deux. Microsoft pushes Netscape aside in this search with the same page as “5.” [Google “6”]
Netscape 7.2 - But Netscape retains dominance here. (The URL’s the same as the last time around, but the title’s been updated.) [Google “7”]
8 Mile - No change. [Google “8”]
Michael Moore - No change. [Google “9”]
10 Downing Street - No change. [Google “10”]