The Fox's New Clothes

Yesterday, Kevin Gerich posted a screenshot of the new default theme that Firefox 0.9 will be sporting when it’s released. Called Winstripe, it’s essentially a Windows-ification of the Mac OS X theme, Pinstripe.
Without a doubt, this a step in the right direction. I’ve never been much of a fan of the Qute theme; it’s stuck somewhere between too-cartoony-to-be-realistic and too-realistic-to-be-cartoony. It also has always seemed blurry to me — I think it’s the color choice on the outlining — and the Back and Forward buttons are just awful.
In contrast, Winstripe is much smoother and cleaner, but it just doesn’t do anything for me. After the release of the striking new identity work for both Firefox and Thunderbird, color me somewhat underwhelmed. I guess I’ll be sticking with Mostly Crystal.
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