
Well, Six Apart has finally opened up Movable Type 3.0 to the general public who then proceeded to open up a can of whoop-ass on Six Apart over the new licensing terms and pricing structure. I’m not ready to jump into the fray yet—I’m going to reserve judgement until I’ve had a chance to mull things over a bit and collect some more info. But these are some of my initial, unprocessed thoughts:

  • A hundred dollars—or even $70 on sale—is rather a steep initial entry point.
  • I’m not at all crazy about having to sign up for TypePad in order to download.
  • I’d also question the fact that a paid license is required as soon as you have just two authors posting to a single blog.

We’ll have to see how this whole uproar affects Molly’s and my book, Teach Yourself Movable Type in 24 Hours, which is due out sometime next week. Ain’t timing grand?