Moving Day

So I’ve finally given up the pipe dream of the smooth and seamless transition of all my old content to its home on my (not-so) new server. There were too many intertwined layers of custom work that I had built that all depended on things being a certain way, and I just don’t have the time to untangle them all and reconfigure them to play nicely here. The cobbler’s children, and all that… So I’m just going to close that chapter and start fresh here.

I’m going to keep this new site closed off just until I can get it to an acceptable level of suckitude, so you won’t actually be reading this for at least a few days. As I’m able to, I will extend it to include more of the features and content from my old site. I’ll be keeping the old place up and running for the forseeable future, though, so you shouldn’t have to worry about links breaking. (Inbound links… ha! I kill me.)

Let’s see how this all goes. Should be… uh… fun.